Our Practice Concept

We consider ourselves as a standard general practice and value a physician-patient relationship basing on trust. We accompany you and are open to all questions concerning your health, even in stressful situations.

We take our time for you and want to make informed and joint decisions regarding your treatment. Explaining an assumed disease and, for example, medical reports from other medical specialists in an understandable way is only part of that. In our understanding, general practitioner care is essential up until old age. It also encompasses the soothing of pain and the management of severe diseases.

Unnecessary double examinations should be avoided. This includes referral to the correct medical specialist for your individual problem.

Taking care of small injuries and postoperative care are a matter of course.

There is no appointment allocation – everybody is welcome!

Emergencies are of the highest priority. We closely collaborate with nearby medical specialists and hospitals and thus can help fast.